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ARYE Esports Equipment FCC1 gaming mouse

New 2023 lightweight gaming mouse carbon fiber made.

ARYE Esports Equipment FCC-1 gaming mouse
ARYE Esports Equipment FCC-1 gaming mouse carbon fiber made

The market is full of gaming phereperal, including mechanical keyboard, headset, monitor mouse pad and the gaming mouse.

About this latter, recently it has been revealed one gaming mice very promising, but maybe many of you, never heard it.

Today, we talks about of ARYE Esports Equipment FCC-1 .

This gaming mouse has been unveiled with an astonishing, vibrant, and beautiful trailer call "We are Competitors" dedicated to the gamers. It is the first mice made by ARYE Esports Equipment, brand based in Honk Kong is relatively young, and it is establish on October 2022.


Right away, we found the main aspect of the mouse that is its chassis made in forged carbon fibre.

This unique characteristic, give it a incredible black finish enreached by Arye logo and FCC1 word. But, for arrive to the final form, the Arye FCC-1, had a long process of study of the shape started on May 13, 2022.

They were created some prototypes, twelve for the exactly, from the first made in clay to the final prototype printing in 3d, through to many various other. At the base of this design process was the goal to have the best comodity and grips for claw and the fingertips. This idea was declinated on take back the lines of two mouse different from each other, the Benq Zowie ZA-13 and the Logitech G303 Shroud Edition .

The dimensions are very very similar to these latters, but also at other gaming mouse like Logitech G305.

Said that, it’s measure 116.26 mm of lenght, 59,95 mm of width and 33.91 mm of high.

The line of the side not differ from those of the Zowie ZA-13 and the G 303. It is like as a fusion between them.

The back is those of ZA-13 , the front end is those of G303 but with more feeling for claw grip, joined by a hump less tall that help to have a better palm support. Another similarity to the G303 is the straight sides.

The structure conceived in this way, allow to has a reduced and low weight oscillates between the 40 and the 45 grams.

Altough, has not yet been declared, given its light structure it's more probable that it will not wireless rather it will featured of wired cable.


Plus, the mice shape contraddisting itself from whatever other mouse available on the market, by its light structure with impressive large holes presents on apex of hump on the top shell and below on plate. which makes the interior of mouse completely visible. Here take place the PCB signed Arye. It looks like is very small and above all extremely light.

The PCB controls the PIXART paw3395dm-t6qu sensor, a High-end low-power optical gaming mouse chip

PIXART paw3395dm-t6qu specs:

  • Resolution: up to 26000 dpi;

  • Max speed: 650 IPS;

  • Max accelaration: 50 g.

The input buttons are a total of five buttons: two mains classics left and right, one middle and 2 additional on the left side.

These leans to the Omron D2F-01F switches. Regarding this, these were choosed in a recent pool on Arye Twitter profile where it has requested which switch use on FCC-1 among japanese Omrons, Blue Shell pink dot, TTC Dustproof Gold or other not precise.

While, the middle button, it is equipped with the TTC Gold scroll wheel encoders, one of the most popular used in gaming scope.


Officialy, Arye Esports Equipments doesn’t yet revealed the price, but from its twitter profile it has anticipated that the target price of the FCC-1 is around at 220 USD.

In addition, we are to knowledge when it will starts to pre-order and the shipment.

The pre-order for Arye FCC-1 will be started on January 2023, while, the ships will begin since Q2 2023.

In conclusion, we can find all of this on our YouTube.

Will you buy it or not? So, as always, let me know what do you think in the comments below.

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